PduApi 2.2.1
PduApi - Toolbox
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pduapi_vci_dll.[so|dll] is an VCI implementation with D-PDU API interface.


In generell the complete documentation of an D-PDU API interface is written in ISO-22900. This implementation has the following specific arguments to PDUContruct:


Parameter OptionStr: This OptionStr is a sequence of key-value pairs like "key1=value1 key2=value"

The keys are common and protocol specific. Following keys are suported in generell:

  • pduapi_log_file=<file>
  • pduapi_log_level=fatal|error|warning|info|trace values for logging:
    • 'fatal' show messages which stops the process only
    • 'error' shows 'fatal' as well as generell errors which occurs and application tries to continue
    • 'warning' shows 'error' as well as warning which can be ignored
    • 'info' shows 'warning' as well as some generell information like interface calls
    • 'trace' shows 'info' as well as debugging information.
  • pduapi_fwd_ioctl_dll=<dll> : forward all not handled PDUIoctl - commands to that DLL
  • pduapi_socketcan_allow_hw_changes=0 : Allow hw changes to ip link. This requieres root rights of Network-Capabilities. Default=1
  • pduapi_socket_can_baudrates : comma separated list of baudrates passed to SocketCan-Module if avaible
  • pduapi_license_file : license file
  • logging_syslog=0|1 : log to syslog
  • pduapi_doip_pinout_option=0|1 : for UDSonIP the return value for PDUIoctl( PDU_IOCTL_GET_ETH_PIN_OPTION)
  • pduapi_iso_version=<version> : compatibility modus. version: 2017, 2022, DTS_9. Current default: 2017
  • pduapi_tcp_wrap=0|1 : enable the TCP-Wrapper to make wireshark more efficient. Default=0
  • pduapi_fwd_event=0|1 : by serialistation forward events with callback activation in stream
  • pduapi_passthru_dll=<file> : An additional PassThru Module is avaible. Default: 0. Has only affect with pduapi_tcp_wrap=1
  • pduapi_passthru_devices=<csv-devices>: comma separated list of Passthru devices for Version 04.04 and below. From Version 05.00 is optional sub-selection.

All key-values can be set by environment variables as well.

Current compiled Adapter: PCan,KVaser,SocketCan,PassThru,DoIP,CanEth,PCanEth