PduApi 2.2.1
PduApi - Toolbox
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passthru_multi is a passthru implementation with multiple CAN interfaces.

For USB-CAN - Adapter no Programming Voltage is avaible.

The main goal of this passthru implementation was to have a counter part for the PassThru/J2534 Adapter of D-PDU-API.

The documentation of PassThru can be found at sae.org. Additional the knowledge of the device names are required to know.

PassThru Names

The names for PassThruOpen( <name>) depend on the current configuration:

  • For SocketCan on Linux every name listed in 'ip link' with type can or vcan can be used for <name>.
    Example: can0, can1, ...
  • Names for kvaser are kvcan<index>
  • Names for peak are "pcan32", "pcan33", ... like in PCANBasic

Please be carefully with name clashes between SocketCan and predefined Names from KVaser and PCan.

Current configuration

Depending on what is currently compiled there are different devices names possible.

Currently compiled CAN-Adapter(auto generated):

  • PCan,KVaser,SocketCan,PassThru,DoIP,CanEth,PCanEth